Cultivating gentleness is strength

As our world becomes a tenser, more divided place, it feels even more important to cultivate gentleness. What does this mean? A human response to challenge is to become stressed. Adrenalin flows, activating our bodies in readiness for some physical action. We move into fight or flight mode. we look for something to oppose, or run from, for “enemies”. But what is there to fight in this way? Popularist politicians sell us enemies, things to blame. The truth is the global issues we face are complex, interconnected and there are no easy answers. Perhaps we do fight (and blessings on the social and eco activists), then the risk is burnout. Or the long-term stress-state exhausts us, we feel defeated, down-hearted. Or we follow influencers down some doom spiral!

Cultivating gentleness is a positive act of empowerment. When we practice being gentle with ourselves, we slow down, we take more in, we are more not less resourceful, we have time to listen. We can hold things in perspective better, perceive more clearly where we can make a difference through our own efforts. More importantly, we can work at being gentle with others, find constructive ways to relate to difference, ways that enable co-operative efforts and solutions to flourish.

Magic-hearted retreats

If you’re interested in exploring what magic means for you as part of a small group of like-minded people, and perhaps proudly claiming your magical self for the first time, please get in touch for more information about the retreats we now hold in rural settings in the UK. Here’s the email:

Loving life again

I met Qweaver at Queerspirit festival this summer. It had been such a difficult couple of years for me. Qweaver was sharing how it had been for them too due to issues with their health resulting in a period of chronic pain. Somehow in just a few minutes of conversation Qweaver had understood that I’d drifted from myself and mentioned how many folk (including themselves) need to be reminded how to “fall back in love with life”. Those words leapt into my mind as if made for me. We arranged to keep talking after the festival, on a very informal basis as that suits my lifestyle, and it has really been a benefit in so many ways. I particularly appreciate their way of balancing being friends with being a guide. Best of both worlds! A – Gloucestershire

Life changing!

I met Qweaver at a tantra festival.  We had an immediate and strong connection.  Qweaver is someone who doesn’t so much listen as intuitively understand.  Talking with them brought me to a place of self-awareness I just don’t think I’d ever reached before.  I’ve had life coaches before but never felt such a sense of possibility, of power that is inspiring.  I’m next planning to spend a day with Qweaver to explore aspects of myself further and see what might develop.  I especially admire Qweaver’s refreshing approach to remuneration,  inviting me to pay what I believe their support to be worth to me.  R – London

Seeing my world

“I approached Qweaver (aka Kevin) for coaching in the summer.  We bumped into each other at a festival and I felt a strong pull.  He has this way of listening that is so special.  Not easy to describe though wonderful to experience.  Perhaps the best word is expansive.  He’s helping me expand my sense of self, understanding of who I am and all the elements that make up my world.  It’s crazy cos I thought I already knew these things but actually I don’t think I’d ever stopped to really reflect never mind explore them.  And I’m coming to realise how changing what I see around me, changes who I am in my own body and being.  Now that’s pretty special.  We meet when we can, otherwise connect via skype, it all works easily and the possibilities just keep growing.    Thanks Qweaver! ”            Richard – Chichester

A quiet power

“Deciding to approach Lifelove for coaching was just another idea.  I spoke to Qweaver (aka Kevin) over several weeks to find out more.  He was generous with his time. Didn’t push me to do anything.  That was unusual.  Most other coaches I’ve worked with had a clear plan and I was on it almost before I knew!  Qweaver wasn’t like that.  I talked, he listened.  Sometimes he’d change the wording of the question, or ask me not to try to answer it but to experience it.

After a few months of talking I realised something, I realised I was approaching myself differently.  More importantly, I wasn’t thinking of everything (including myself) as a set of problems requiring solutions.

I won’t say my whole life has changed since taking time out with Qweaver.  I will say it’s changing and I’m grateful for that quiet power.”

EM, Melbourne, Australia

LifeLove coaching gave me joy

“Taking time out with Qweaver is one of the best things I’ve ever done.  Over a number of meetings, he’s helped me appreciate myself and understand myself in different ways.  He sees me. He has time for me. He’s given me back joy which years behind desks had pretty much eliminated.  The more joy, the more life looks good and is good.”



LifeLove coaching – what an amazing experience!

“I approached LifeLove because I was too settled in my career, I’d turned myself so completely into a city IT manager that I’d forgotten who I was in the process.  Though successful I was far from happy.  Qweaver, my LifeLove guide, is a special person.  So ordinary on the outside but from our first meeting I sensed he saw me, he really saw me.   He asked me to hold his hand but to imagine I was reaching out to myself.  It was so difficult.  So intruiging.  When I finally plucked up the courage to do it, he held my hand for a long time, invited me to slow my breathing (I didn’t realise I was breathing rapidly) and then asked me to share something with this other self, the self I was touching.

Fast forward 12 months and with Qweaver’s help I’ve started to make big changes in my life, starting with putting myself first in my own life.  I’ve become self-employed, reduced my work hours, taken up yoga, increased my circle of real friends and am looking forward to spending a weekend in France with Qweaver slow-walking in the Dordogne.  One of his early reflections highlighted the speed I walked.  I cut through life like an arrow, missing pretty much everything on the way!  It took a long while to learn to slow down, to allow myself to slow down.  Now it’s such a pleasure to walk slowly, to see things, to appreciate things, to appreciate myself.

If you want to experience more of yourself, get in touch with LifeLove and see what happens!”




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